Level Up Your Valorant Account AP Fast

Hello, Gamers! The topic of today’s discussion will be leveling up your Valorant account. Many players have been wondering how to level up the quickest in order to access competitive play since the change requires your account to be at least level 20. Valorant...

Everything we know about Valorant Agent 21

Later in Episode 5, Valorant’s next fresh agent will show up. Everything we know about the enigmatic newcomer—from their disclosed codename to their speculated skills—is included in this paragraph. The next expansion of Valorant’s lineup is almost here....

How to create a Valorant badge

Welcome to our tutorial on making a valorous badge. Many Valorant players may have already shown their brand-new badges, but what are they precisely, and how do you make one for yourself? For their beloved Valorant community, Riot Games has developed a brand-new...

5 tips to make the most of Stinger in Valorant

The Stinger was intended to be a close-range weapon. However, unlike the Spectre, it has a much shorter range and a spray pattern that can become quite unwieldy. Riot wants the gun to feel “controllable and appropriately lethal at short ranges,” and it...